Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My sisters

Whenever I go home to visit, I invariably run into people who know my family, or think they do.  We live in a small town.  When I say I'm Slugweirta and Borted Jim's daughter they usually ask if I'm the one who works at the state prison. Nope.  I must be the nurse, then.  No.  Oh, are you Muscle Whip's mom?  No, I'm the other daughter.  They have another daughter?  Yes, although you shouldn't feel bad, I think this surprises them sometimes too.
I have been blessed to have three extraordinary sisters.  Emphasis on the extraordinary.  They have shared in my joy and my sorrows.  They are maybe the only people who understand exactly who I am and love me anyway.  In honor of National Sibling Day, I thought I'd share a little about them.
I have a sister who likes to wear the same color from head to toe.
I have a sister who compulsively disposes of stray hairs.  Even if they're still attached.
I have a sister who invited me to join her gang. 
I have a sister who used to make out with pillows pretending they were Luke Skywalker (yes, we're that kind of nerdy)
I have a sister who collects dolls.
I have three sisters who know the difficulties of single motherhood, I admire their strength and hard work.
I have a sister who punched me in the face once, and chipped my tooth.
I have a sister who believes in the healing power of crystals.  Unfortunately she wasn't around when I chipped my tooth.
I have a sister who drives like a grandma (it once took her 14 hours to drive from Provo to Denver, a 482 mile trip, to save you the math that's 34 mph on average.)
I have a sister who likes grape jelly on her eggs.
I have a sister who adopted three Paiute children.  Because she's a good person.  And an overachiever.
I have a sister who is perpetually late.
I have a sister who almost got arrested when she was seven.  For petty candy larceny.  That was one stern gas station attendant. 
I have a sister with a phobia of dirty rags.
I have a sister who was bullied.  Actually all my siblings were.  One of the perks of being the white sheep is there is typically less bullying, one of the drawbacks is living with the regret of not punching the dirtbags who bullied your siblings in the balls, or the ovaries, I'm an equal gender avenger.
I have a sister who can sleep through anything.
I have a sister who sometimes bursts into spontaneous song or poetry at family gatherings.
I have a sister who writes stories in her spare time, but never finishes them, there are probably a good 100 half finished novels in her house.
I have a sister who can't use a cooking timer to save her life.  Or her cupcakes.
I have a sister who believes in the sanctity of virgin hair, she refuses to cut, color or blow dry it.  And I refuse to admit it is longer, thicker and shinier than mine.
I have a sister who was abused.  Did you know 30% of American women are in or have been in abusive relationships?  I'd like to echo the punching in the balls sentiment here.
I have a sister who reads more than she talks.
I have a sister who puts Doritos on her sandwiches.
I have a sister who has ADHD, she struggled through this before the programs that are in place today.  She is brilliant, but school was a big challenge for her.  Because of my patient mother and her own hard work, this is more manageable now.  Although I'm relying on her inability to focus to keep her from reading this entire post.
I have a sister who knows how to make mincemeat pie.
I have a sister who eats Spaghettio's starting with the little ones.
I have a sister who ran away from home.  Unsuccessfully.
I have a sister who suffers from severe anxiety attacks, and often loses consciousness.  Last time I saw her she explained this to my husband and said, "I understand you're in the medical field, if I lose consciousness, don't probe me."  "I'll try not to."
I have a sister who can't drive in the dark.
I have a sister who hit a cow with a car (in the dark).
But most importantly, I have a sister.  I cherish my sisters, I have long believed that the sister relationship is one of the most unique.  I can't imagine my life without them, no matter how quirky they are.  They are some of my best memories.  They know my dreams and they remember my past. I hope they forgive me for posting all their weirdness. 
No answer.

A whole bunch of pictures of people who are like sisters to me.


  1. That was brilliant! I started out trying to guess who was who, but soon gave up. Very fun post!

  2. I think I guessed most of them. That bottom picture of you is so cute. Fun!!
