Monday, April 29, 2019

Arya Stark

I watched last night’s episode on the edge of my seat, hands to my mouth. When Arya delivered the killing blow, I threw my arms up in victory and shouted. It was like watching your favorite football player score a touchdown, but with a little more on the line.

From this moment:
To this:

and so many moments in between, I have cheered for Arya. I didn’t often get to cheer out loud, because she met so many sorrows along her way, but even if her story ends this season, I’ve loved every minute of it. She’s a badass.

She’s never been a lady. She was always fierce, always the warrior.

That's not me.

She’s been beaten and broken:

And she came back.

She’s loyal and strong--a true Stark.
So, yes, I shouted for joy when she stabbed the Night King and saved the day. I have every reason to, she's been my heroine all along. 
What do we say to the god of Death? Not today.

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